For him, the people of Anambra State must not be subjected to heavy taxation or demolitions of their sources of livelihood, like shops and goods, for the state to develop.
He says as product of God’s grace, he won’t be part of anything that wi make the poor gnash teeth for one moment in his administration because government’s actions or in actions. He say as a successful entrepreneur, it does not need rock science to make Anambra State great.
Sir Paul Chukwuma is a happily married man with six children. He studied philosophy and law, both of which he graduated with first class honours from the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and Baze University Abuja. He is also an Alumnus of the acclaimed Lagos Business School.
Having excelled in higher education, Sir Paul Chukwuma turned his full attention to the business world, exhibiting extraordinary business savvy and entrepreneurial skills. He set up a group of companies that were initially involved in Information Communication Technology, Education, construction and real estate. His real estate construction business has serviced institutions of higher learning throughout the length and breadth of Nigeria, and now, has extended into the East African sub-region.
Over the years, he expanded the scope and expertise of his group of companies to include an ongoing establishment of a steel manufacturing company and Olivia University of Medical Sciences; both in Anambra State, Nigeria. Added to this is the already completed Olivia University Bujumbura, Burundi, a first-class conventional institution of higher learning. In addition to the foregoing, Sir Paul Chukwuma’s group of companies built from scratch and acquired a chain of Olivia Hotels in West and East Africa.
Having excelled in formal education and in the private sector, Sir Paul Chukwuma also sought ways to give back to society and humanity. To that end, he set up a number of programs and projects: (1) several scholarship programs; (2) philanthropic activities; as well as (3) created a non-profit arm of his group of companies, called: Centre for Applied Research & Development (CARD). As the name suggests, CARD is designed to serve as a centre to encourage, support and foster independent, creative and technological initiatives by people with talent, knowledge and/or expertise; to engage in practical, problem-solving research and development.
Paul Chukwuma’s professional and civic memberships, bespeaks his versatility and scope of interests. He is a longstanding member of the noble and ancient Order of Knights of St. John International; a member of Rotary Club International; a member of the Nigeria Philosophers Association; a member of the Golf Club of Bujumbura-Burundi; and currently, he is the President of the Nigeria-Burundi Business Council. He sits on several boards including the Mumbai-Münster Institute of Advance Studies. Sir Paul Chukwuma is a self-made man that rose from humble origins to socioeconomic and political prominence.