
OPINION: Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ezika’s Transformative Leadership


By Chibunna Esedo

In the realm of spiritual leadership, exceptional individuals demonstrate selfless service and unwavering dedication to their flock. When a priest is genuinely called by God to lead and shepherd His people, their impact is unmistakable. Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ezika embodies these exceptional qualities, as exemplified by his remarkable tenure at my home parish between October 2016 and October 2019.

In August 2016, St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Umunya, faced an unprecedented crisis that threatened its very existence. The turmoil led to the parish’s closure for several weeks by the Archdiocese, leaving worshipers and parishioners bewildered and uncertain. Amidst uncertainty, a temporary priest provided interim leadership until October.

October marked the traditional month for priestly postings within the Onitsha Archdiocese, aligning with their divine call to serve humanity —-unlimited to a particular place, community and assignment. Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ezika, a native of Alor, was assigned to St. Theresa’s Catholic Church Umunya that October, transferring from Sacred Heart Catholic Parish, Nteje.

Prior to his posting, speculation swirled among clergy and laity alike: who would Onitsha Archdiocese send to rebuild, revitalize and reunify the fragmented parish? This underscores the extent of the upheaval and dire situation, which is better left unspoken.

Upon arrival, Fr. Ezika met with key stakeholders, including the parish council. Acknowledging the parish’s turbulent past, he outlined his visionary approach to pastoral leadership, departing from established norms. He swiftly kick-started by addressing the parish’s plethora of challenges, working independently without involving the parish council.

Worthy to note, the foundation stone of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church Umunya, laid in 1988 by Francis Cardinal Arinze, had witnessed successive parish priests struggle to develop the church’s infrastructure. Fr. Ezika initiated methods to build the Church.

Transparent management of funds and resources fostered trust among parishioners. When donations were utilized effectively, with tangible and visible results, it encouraged parishioners to contribute more. Within few months of his assumption, Fr. J.B transformed the church. He installed the Church building ceiling and the sanctuary wall, revitalized dormant ventures, graded and marble-stoned the rectory and church surroundings, rewired and refurbished the church, and repainted it to standard. He also revived a forgotten church vehicle, introduced parish uniforms.

Remarkably, Fr. Ezika facilitated the establishment of St. Theresa’s High School, breaking a long-standing jinx. The school commenced with two classes, thanks to preparedness and quality learning equipment he already put in place for the kick-off. He acquired many lands to expand Catholic evangelism in Umunya, aiming to establish another parish, since Umunya is the only town in Oyi local government area that has a single parish.

Fr. Ezika’s tireless efforts yielded overwhelming support from parishioners. In fact, most times, many offered unsolicited funds and support, including his biological parents, where he would always run to Alor to get assistance the way they could, in situations where he had run out of support from the parishioners owing to exigencies. For him, tasks must be completed!

In 2018, St. Theresa’s Catholic community celebrated a significant milestone with a candidate poised for priestly ordination. Breaking with established tradition, Fr. Ezika boldly departed from the conventional practice of imposing “ordination levies” on parishioners. Instead, he assumed the responsibility of securing essential funds through alternative means.

Demonstrating unwavering commitment and ‘I-must-deliver spirit’, Fr. Ezika embarked on a fundraising journey to Lagos, seeking support from the parish’s Lagos branch members. His initiative yielded an abundance of resources, as his passion and vision resonated deeply with potential benefactors.

Through his innovative approach, Fr. Ezika not only alleviated the financial burden on parishioners but also fostered a sense of community and shared responsibility. This exemplary leadership and dedication ensured the ordination proceedings went seamlessly, unfolded with dignity and joy.

On September 30, 2018, the parish, established in 1988, was dedicated to the Glory of God, following infrastructural development, soul-winning, and correction of past wrongs.

Fr. Ezika’s tireless efforts continued until October 2019, when the Archdiocese transferred him to Nnokwa for a higher assignment as parish priest and Episcopal vicar of Nnobi region. His tenure at Nnokwa was hailed as excellent by many, including the erstwhile acting managing director, Anambra Broadcasting Service, Dr. Gab Ndu Okpalaeze, who hails from Nnokwa, and had always intimated me of the priest’s exceptional administrative leadership in St. Mary’s Pro-cathedral, Nnokwa, his home parish.

Yesterday, I learned of his transfer from Nnokwa after five years of impactful pastoral leadership to Onitsha, now on elevation as ‘Rector Magnificus’ of Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Indeed, the reward of a job well done is more taxing work. I firmly believe he will excel beyond expectations in this new role.

His capacity is never in doubt; and it gladdens my heart to see him rise, with the peak as his target.

Congratulations, Fr. JB!

~ Chibunna Esedo is a member NIPR, he wrote in from, Abuja.

By Ifeizu Joe

Ifeizu is a seasoned journalist and Managing Editor of TheRazor. He has wide knowledge of Anambra State and has reported the state objectively for over a decade.

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