By Esindu Jacobs
Justice Irene Ndigwe, of Ogidi High Court 1 ,has threatened to strike a case involving the Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha, Most Rev. Valerian Okeke, following a request by the plaintiffs to transfer the case to another court
It was in the property ownership case , between the Catholic church and late widow, Lady Juliana Onuorah .
The daughter of the lateJuliana Onuorah, Patricia , had called for the transfer of the matter to another court ,knowing full well it would be difficult for them to get justice in that court.
When the matter was called up Tuesday, none of the Catholic Priests came to Court, including the Archbishop.
Visibly angry Judge, told the Court that she would not continue to entertain old cases in her Court, threatening to strike out the case if the transfer delay continues next time.
The property ownership case ,between the Church and the deceased, Juliana Onuorah and her daughter, Patricia, had lingered for years, which had equally, seen the death of some Senior lawyers involved in the case.
Justice Ndigwe’s reason, was that she had many cases in her Court and could not continue to entertain one matter.
But Counsel to the Onuorahs’, Sylvester Oni, told her that the matter was for hearing today (Tuesday), adding that they were ready.
The Judge said, ” we can not go on because the defendants are not in Court ”
The Counsel, Mr Oni, reminded her that the last adjourned date,that the Court issued hearing notice on the defendants, but the Judge was adamant.
The situation forced her to request for records which she read out , that the plaintiffs informed the court they wanted the matter to be transferred, she asked, ” what happened on the transfer?
Oni, therefore, told the angry Judge that they would work on that.
The Judge said the matter if not transferred on the next adjourned date or Pre-trial, that the matter would be struck out.
The was however, was adjourned by Justice Ndigwe to November 9, 2023.