By: Our Correspondent
There are very strong indications that the would be members of the Anambra Executive Council under the stewardship of Prof Charles Soludo would officially apply to be part of government instead of the old order of making recommendations by some tin gods in the area.
It was gathered yesterday that applicants must write applications, attach their certificates and curriculum vitae and go through oral and written interviews before a panel of judges to merit their positions.
This also is coming as there is increasing pressure to enlarge the number of the Transition Committee from the present eighty members to about ninety given the short time avaiy to complete their assignment.
The Governor elect Prof Soludo would be sworn in on match 17th this year and the terms of reference given to the committee is said to be so much that the number may not meet the deadline.
Disclosing this to this reporter Mr Samuel Ejimofor Coordinator Anambra Leadership Forum that worked for the victory of Soludo noted that visitors to Soludo”s country home Isuofia in Aguata local government area have been advised to discontinue frequenting the area but prepare their CVs and wait after the swearing in ceremony when the panel would be set up.
“People should not be in a hurry and the old system of someone introducing their relations and imposing the people on the governor and forcing it down his throat has gone.
“As for the Transition Committee their time is short considering the TOR, so those who think that the number is too large do not seem to know the enormity of work that was before them as well as the pressure for the number to be increased to about ninety or there about.
“When they go into sub committees you will discover that some ministries and parastatals may not have committees to receive the hand over notes and files and I must commend Soludo for assembling these people.
“Soludo has set the tone for a possible regional harmony that will ignite the glorious days of eastern prosperity wherein the best of Igbo human capital are deployed to solve our collective problems.
“What is exciting about this list is its likelihood of promoting and protecting the common good devoid of political cleavages. It is for me, and many other observers, a list of renaissant leadership that will reposition southeast politics for the good of all.
“Demographically and psychographically, the list is all encompassing. It has further provided ndị Anambra interesting insights into the fertile mind of a Soludo who is beginning to show promise and prove his mettle as a globally reputed Economist and Development Expert par excellence,” Ejimofor said.