David-Chyddy Eleke reports that as Dr Esther Okafor, a Director at Keves Global Leasing Limited turned 50 recently, the company spared no cost at all to celebrate her.
Last Thursday, precisely on August 29, one of the Directors of Keves Global Leasing Limited, Dr Esther Okafor turned 50 years. Keves Global Leasing Limited is a leading oil and gas engineering company in the country, a conglomerate that has birthed several other companies in other fields, including hospitality, entertainment, health, and many more.
Dr Esther, a medical doctor is also the wife of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company, and the Chief Medical Director of Sophike Medical Centre, an upscale medical facility in Port Harcourt. She has been acknowledged for her support towards the growth process of the company since its formation in 2003, when her husband resigned from his previous employment to set up Keves Leasing Company.
In celebration of her 50th birthday, the chairman of the company, Chief Sir Ikenna Okafor and the entire management of Keves Global Leasing and all the other arms of the conglomerate rolled out the drums to celebrate her.
Though the celebration started earlier in the month with a pre-birthday party in London, on same day of her birthday, which was August 29, the date was also copiously marked, but it climaxed on Saturday August 31 when an elaborate event was held for her.
The day started with mass celebration at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, D/Line Port Harcourt, where the presiding priest took time to lavish praise on the Okafors, for the unity that has characterised their union and for standing by themselves as a couple through thick and thin.
Later in the evening, drums were rolled out at Aztec Arcum Event Centre, an upscale events facility in the city of Port Harcourt. Entry into the centre will of course tell any guest the power of wealth and the substance the Okafors were made of. The centre was exquisitely decorated, and the lighting was simply out of this world.
As guests poured into the hall, the events planners intensified efforts in their preparation to entertain all. The centre played host to some of the biggest billionaires in town who came to celebrate with the Okafors and Keves too. The guests consisted of powerful politicians, top guns in the military, major players in the oil and gas sector; where the Okafors themselves have made a mark, family friends, and relatives from Anambra State; his home state, who all came for the celebration of the Amazon.
Chief Okafor in his opening address said: “My wife is a beautiful woman and I’m sparing no expense to celebrate her. My wife, Essy Wonder, My Gate 2 is 50 today and we are ready for the celebration. We prepared very well for all of you. We know that this hall can only contain about 700 persons, but we prepared for 4,000 people, so don’t be in a hurry.”
True to his words, there was enough to eat and drink. All manner of dishes (foreign and local), exquisite drinks were served. Indeed, Keves as a company and Chief Okafor as the husband of the celebrant spared to cost in celebrating her.
It was a day of fun as the celebration dragged into midnight with quality music moving guests to their feet to hit The dancing floor. The Okafors were not also left out as they took to the stage and showcased their dancing skill. Dr Esther Okafor the celebrant showed her dancing skills too when she was ushered in by Nigerian music star, Nasboi. She danced all the way to the podium in celebration of herself.
It was indeed a celebration that was worth it as guests made presentation of gifts. The husband of the celebrant opened the floodgate of gifts by presenting his wife keys to a brand new car. Many more car gifts followed from family friends and business associates.
True to the words of the chairman of Keves, Chief Ikenna Okafor, he and his company spared no cost in celebrating his wife and their director. Everything turned out differently and in style too.
During the cutting of cake, the master of ceremony unveiled what he called one of the seventh wonders of the world as the celebrant and his family stood in the middle of the hall before an empty table, with no cake in sight. Later, what everyone had thought all along to be a huge chandelier light hanging on the roof of the very high event centre, dropped slowly from the sky, landing on the table, and turned out to be the celebrant’s birthday cake.
Nothing sums the beautiful celebration better than the words of Sir Celestine Omehia, former governor of Rivers State, who was Chairman of event. While presenting his address he said to the celebrant and to the Okafors: “Your life has just started. You has enjoyed 50 years of God’s blessings and we pray for more favours for you and your family.”