By Tony Okafor
The 2024 US presidential election has come and gone, leaving valuable lessons for Nigeria and other nations striving to strengthen democratic institutions.
Notably, if this election were held in Nigeria, even Jehovah God wouldn’t have stopped the incumbent Kamala Harris’ Democratic government from winning.
The American experience showcases democracy’s transformative potential, highlighting institutional strength, civic engagement, and national unity.
The US electoral system’s resilience and separation of powers ensure power distribution and safeguard against tyranny .
Civic engagement is vital, as seen in the enthusiasm and excitement during the election, reminiscent of a World Cup tournament.
Nigeria can learn from this, encouraging active citizenship and critical thinking.
National unity is essential for a healthy democracy. Despite differences, Americans came together to shape their nation’s future.
Nigeria must foster unity, transcending ethnic, religious, and regional divisions.
The US Constitution embodies natural rights and social contract principles, providing a durable foundation for American democracy.
These ideals have allowed it to evolve, address challenges, and maintain a commitment to individual liberty and democracy.
As Nigeria continues its democratic journey, it must prioritize institutional strength, civic engagement, and national unity.
By doing so, Nigeria can build a resilient democracy, serving its citizens and ensuring a brighter future.
Nigeria must also be vigilant against demagoguery, ensuring democratic institutions remain strong.
The 2024 US presidential election serves as a lesson in democracy’s transformative potential.
As Nigeria looks to its future, it must draw inspiration from America’s strengths and weaknesses, forging a path toward a united and prosperous nation.