By Tony Okafor
As the Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor, marked his 72nd birthday, it presents an opportune moment to reflect on his remarkable commitment to the values of true Christianity.
Bishop Ezeokafor’s selfless dedication to the gospel, coupled with his unassuming nature, has earned him a distinguished place among his contemporaries.
In an era where materialism and ostentation often masquerade as symbols of success, Bishop Ezeokafor stands out as a beacon of humility.
His refusal to indulge in extravagant displays of wealth and power is a testimony to his genuine understanding of Christ’s teachings. Unlike some of his peers who prioritize pomp and circumstance, Bishop Ezeokafor’s focus remains fixed on serving the Lord and humanity.
Bishop Ezeokafor championed the enactment of the Anambra State Burial Law, promoting affordable burials and alleviating financial burdens on grieving families.
He also advocated for reforms in the school system, proposing a 7:30 am to 1:30 pm school day to balance academic learning with family time.
Under Bishop Ezeokafor’s guidance, institutions owned by the Awka Catholic Diocese have become models of excellence. Employment opportunities are based on merit not denominations, fostering an inclusive environment that promotes unity and cooperation.
Bishop Ezeokafor’s compassion for the vulnerable is evident in his sustained support for widows and the less privileged. His regular feeding programmes and outreach efforts have brought solace to countless individuals.
In a world where division and sectarianism threaten to fracture the body of Christ, Bishop Ezeokafor’s ecumenical spirit shines brightly. He consistently reaches out to other denominations, fostering unity and cooperation.
As we celebrate Bishop Ezeokafor’s remarkable life and ministry, we urge fellow clergy to emulate his exemplary attributes. May his selfless example inspire a new generation of leaders to prioritize humility, compassion, and service.
As we wish Bishop Ezeokafor many more years of fruitful service, we pray that God will continue to strengthen and confirm him in all goodness.
We salute Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor, a true apostle of modesty and low profile, who has distinguished himself through his deep evangelical exploits and effective church administration.