
Front Page Editorial: Soludo’s LG Poll: Don’t sacrifice fairness on altar of speed


By Tony Okafor

Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s announcement, via the Anambra State Independent Electoral Commission (ANSIEC), to conduct local government elections on September 28, is a commendable step towards democratic governance and decentralization of power.

This bold move breaks the 10-year jinx of non-conduct of these elections, demonstrating Soludo’s commitment to democratic principles.

However, the rushed timeline and internal party conflicts raise concerns about fairness and credibility.

Giving opposition parties barely a month to prepare is a form of rigging, that can disenfranchise many and underminine the process.

This short notice, coupled with the absence of a comprehensive town hall meeting with stakeholders, may not provide sufficient time for adequate preparation, robust campaigning, and thorough voter education, thereby potentially compromising the integrity of the electoral process.

Moreover, the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the ruling party, has legal issues to iron out over its leadership.

The sudden recognition of Edozie Njoku as the national chairman of APGA against Sly Ezeokenwa’s leadership, which is amenable to Soludo, raises concerns – which faction will ANSIEC recognize as legitimate? Will Soludo’s APGA be part of the election? If these issues are not resolved, Soludo’s initiative may invite trouble in the process.

Free and fair elections require adequate preparation time, transparency, inclusivity, and a level playing field for all political parties.

We urge Governor Soludo to reconsider the timeline and ensure that ANSIEC demonstrates impartiality and transparency in the electoral process.

While Governor Soludo’s initiative to conduct local government elections is commendable, the rushed timeline and internal party conflicts threaten to undermine the credibility of the electoral process.

If the September 28 timeline remains sacrosanct, the fundamental integrity and legitimacy of the local government elections will be severely compromised, rendering the entire exercise essentially meaningless.

We urge Governor Soludo to reconsider the timeline and ensure a level playing field for all political parties. Only then can we guarantee free, fair, and credible elections that truly reflect the will of the people.

Let us not sacrifice fairness on the altar of speed.

By Ifeizu Joe

Ifeizu is a seasoned journalist and Managing Editor of TheRazor. He has wide knowledge of Anambra State and has reported the state objectively for over a decade.

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