By Ekene Okoye
The 10th anniversary of RISE Clinic, Adazi-Ani in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State was a glorious event to behold. The pre-eminent RISE clinic that has initiated and executed so many landmark medical projects in Anambra State and beyond marked 10 years of inimitable service to humankind on April 21, 2022.
It has indeed been 10 eventful years of comprehensive and holistic healthcare care delivery in the great tradition of Hippocrates, the acclaimed founder of modern medicine.
A uniquely-equipped community-based medical facility, RISE Clinic is justly celebrated for its integrated healthcare delivery system and community-centered care model.
It is the consummate aim of RISE Clinic to enhance and sustain health and overall human development potential through excellence in interdisciplinary care and patient education.
The distinctive clinic implements sustainable health programmes aimed at increasing access to quality healthcare, maximizing resources and decreasing healthcare costs.
The commitment of RISE Clinic to enhancing and sustaining health and human development potential through excellence in interdisciplinary care and patient education is nonpareil.
The clinic assiduously strives to bring positive impact on the health and wellness of the Nigerian community by increasing access to healthcare and building local capacity.
In initiating beneficial policies for the holistic healthcare of the populace, the RISE Global Health Initiative was more than just an idea; it amounted to a call to save lives, heal and give hope.
Founded in 2012 in Adazi-Ani, Anambra State, RISE Clinic Nigeria is a brain-child of Godwin and Patricia Okeke Foundation in partnership with RISE Global Health Initiative, USA which has the laudable mission to enhance and sustain health and overall human development potential through excellence in interdisciplinary care and patient education.
This mission has not fallen short all through the years.
Since its inception, RISE Clinic Nigeria has lived not only for health and wellness services but for social and human development. The clinic conscientiously found the gap in the Nigerian community healthcare delivery and filled it with love, hope and life. RISE Clinic Nigeria has in the past 10 years engaged in outreaches that brought smiles to the faces of the local community members in Nigeria.
The pioneer programme launched in 2012 by RISE Clinic Nigeria was “Health Fair” through which 1000 Nigerians received free screening and patient education.
In the sustained campaign, 100 Nigerian families qualified for low-income earners’ health assistance while 265 local and international volunteers were trained.
One of the crucial follow-ups was the Nigerian Epilepsy Care Advancement Programme which was launched in July 2013 through which 240 epileptic patients were enrolled for a 12-month free specialty care. Well over 75 percent of the epileptics became completely seizure-free by the 7th month.
In tune with the RISE Clinic Nigeria mantra of “Together we rise”, in October 2013 the clinic organized a free clinic day for Nigerians which took place in different cities. In this grand outreach, 2000 Nigerians were diagnosed and provided with patient education while 800 high-risk individuals were identified and referred to RISE Clinic Nigeria for prompt treatment. Some 85 local and international volunteers were trained in the course of the exercise.
RISE Clinic Nigeria launched the Anambra Business Coalition Project in September 2015 which became the pioneer public-private partnership for healthcare in Anambra State.
The innovative partnership achieved collective action in the public-cum-private sector merging and management of general hospitals and private-owned medical firms. This led to Anambra health alliances and the renovation and reopening of the Orumba General Hospital.
In 2018 RISE Clinic Nigeria embarked on a major awareness campaign on stroke management, an event which held across different centres and cities. This epochal event resulted to the creation of 42 international and community stroke leadership councils. It took in its stride 447 educated individuals, 344 screened individuals, 11 active treatment groups and also identified 132 people at risk for stroke.
The month of October 2020 marked Nigeria’s 60th Independence Anniversary, and to commemorate the momentous occasion of Nigeria at 60, RISE Clinic Nigeria in partnership with Anambra Business Coalition organized a medical outreach for the people at the newly refurbished Orumba General Hospital. The people were provided with free medical screening and treatments for common ailments with essential drugs and health education.
The joy is that RISE Clinic Nigeria has today come of age and thus operates with a growing team of health professionals. Amongst the team of consummate health professionals who make RISE Clinic tick are: Dr. Hien Tran, Dr. Edie Zusman, Dr. Raji Mahmud, and Dr. John Obegolu, with Dr. Dubem Onyejiaka and Mr. Wilson Emeka as Director Clinical Operations and General Manager respectively.
The indomitable clinic has impacted over 5000 community members, and continues to work with local and international health and academic institutions to provide educational and training opportunities to its staff and professionals in the local community.
Interestingly, debonair yet unassuming, Dr Emeka Okeke, Founder/President of RISE Group, has been unwavering in his commitment to the provision and promotion of community health; little wonder his dexterity has birthed a sustainable RISE Clinic revolution.
There is no gainsaying that for 10 years RISE Clinic has lived a well-structured dream and will continue to live this dream. The rise and rise of RISE Clinic Nigeria is a testament that good institutions can thrive in Nigeria once driven by accomplished professionals.
RISE Clinic Nigeria! Together we rise!
Okoye works at Ozion Limited, Perception Managers.