Jim Iyke has said that any woman he invites to his house for a movie date should expect that it would lead to a sexual gesture.
The actor stated this during a chat with Toke Makinwa, Kate Henshaw, and Chidi Mokeme.
During the chat, the guests were asked to choose between fine dining or a movie date.Jim Iyke picked the movie date and explained why.“Fine dining, I cannot do anything bros,” Jim Iyke said. He added that after the fine dinning, “she can run home.”
However, when it is a movie date night, he said the woman has no where to go to.
He said:“They’re not running if they come for this thing. You must pay one way or the other.”
Kate Henshaw and Toke insisted that it was wrong for him to expect sexual gesture from a woman he invited to his house to watch a movie and Jim insisted that he is speaking from a man’s perspective and that is what men expect.
In his words:“Something brought you to the house. You knew what was going to happen before you got to that house. Don’t bring modernity into it; you must collect.“
The man has a certain expectation, which the woman also understands. It is now left to the woman to meet those expectations or somehow play along by offering certain alternatives.
“You better be super smart for me not to think sexually when you spend the whole night watching movies with me.”Jim Iyke continued, saying that it has been “proven statistically” that “95 percent” of men have expectations of sex when they invite a woman over. He added that women also are aware of these expectation, but Toke and Kate objected to this.
Jim later then highlighted that the only way a woman can avoid paying one way or the other is if she is “sapiosexual” and she’s brain storming with him during the movie.
Kate and Toke then told him that it tells poorly on him if he invites a woman who is not smart to spend time watching a movie with him.