A veteran journalist, Mr. Polycarp Onwubiko has commended the review of the stand of Northern Governors Forum and Northern traditional rulers on their antagonist posturing on state police.
Speaking to news men in Awka, Mr. Onwubiko noted that if the northern governors Forum and traditional rulers who are unarguably a critical stake holders had accepted the recommendation for state police which means Decentralized security architecture , the trauma and mindless slaughtering of people by the terrorist-bandits that operate unchecked in the vast ungoverned spaces in the northern part of the country could have been effectively contained.
Mr. Onwubiko explained that state police or more specifically called “Decentralized security architecture”, is an integral part of Restructuring Nigerian lopsided Federation to reinvent True Fiscal Federalism.
In other words, creating state police entails a review of the Revenue allocation formula to enable the state government and even local government councils to pay the salary and allowance of the security agents.
But in a federal arrangement the world over, there is nothing like revenue sharing but fiscal federalism whereby the sub national governments explore and exploit the natural and mineral resources within their zones to create wealth and massive employment in addition to jumpstart the dwindling Gross National Product, GDP of the country.
Mr. Onwubiko who had written books on Federalism and Restructuring Nigerian lopsided Federation, maintained that the word “Restructuring” is not a new fangled political lexicon because it was one of the inexorable principles of federal system of government contained in the 1963 Republican Constitution.
He stressed that the only panacea for containing the pervasive and intractable insecurities throughout the country is a Decentralized security architecture which is in tandem with what obtains in sane and sanitized federations the world over.
Onwubiko also contended that Restructuring Nigerian lopsided Federation will bring about realistic Diversification of the country’s economy quite different from misinformation that diversification of economy is requesting the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN to advance loans to farmers.