Mr Ken Okoli, the President of ASATU- says that Nigerian youths needs templates for good governance, value system and re-orientation as key for positive change and development.
Okoli said that a disruptive narrative needs to be employed to defeat the ugly hold that kept the nation from having proactive youths that can drive the nation’s economy and social development to compete with the world powers.
The ASATU youth community leader said in an interview with Newsmen on Wednesday in Awka.
He said that the youths needs a template for good governance, value system and orientation in Anambra state and Nigeria as key to change the negative belief about life for positive results.
“Proper sensitisation of the youths on political culture, citizenship,religion, government, community ,family, education amongst others are crucial to help change the wrong perception of life by the youths.
“we have to make our article of faith in the Anambra projects known to the youths which includes fear of God, patriotism, self-reliance, discipline, dignity of labour, religious, ethnic tolerance, love, truth, justice, and liberty.
“ if all these articles of faith are inculcated timely in lives of the young minds and youths the journey to our greatness would be soon assured,” he said.
Okoli said that ASATU youth is a wing of Anambra State Association of Town Union (ASATU) the umbrella body of the 179 town unions in Anambra that need to work harmoniously with the youths to achieve desired development.
“ The wing was born out of necessity in the fact that youths are one of the society’s main agents of change and progress, taking into consideration that they are the leaders of tomorrow.
“The role they play in politics, societal development, community service and in entrenchment of peace, unity and security in the communities have been of great benefits to government and communities at large.
“As it is said that when youths are built, nations are built and a nation without youths is without a future.
Okoli said that he will use the “I Believe in Anambra book” which has provided the framework for the success of the Anambra youth for solution(AYS) Scheme which is a community based youth development agenda documented by the leadership of the ASATU youths.
He said that the book tactfully proposes approaches to develop the youths, empower them, add more values to their lives, improves their moral standard, mobilises and teaches them how to engages in positive politics to clean up the murky waters associated with politics in this clime.
Okoli said that the book contains module to orient and re-orient the youths for active participation both in economics, social and political frames of their state.
The book he Okoli said seeks for approaches in training and helping the youths to discover selves, harness talents,gain skill acquisitions and empowerment to be self reliance.
He said that with all these factors on ground he hopes that thuggery, social vices, crimes, cultism, hard drugs use and other anti-social engagement will be reduced if not eradicated.
Okoli called on Anambra youths to key into various youth programmes of present administration under Prof.Charles Soludo as governor.
He said that youths of other western countries are doing exploit not because they are spirit but simply they have followed laid down rules and guide.
” All our youths that are highly talented in various spheres of life needs directions and guidance, exposure that will tap into the unbundled talents for transformation in leadership skills, governance, value system, social belief amongst others.