Prof Obiora Nwosu, Vice Chancellor of Paul University, Awka, has commended management of College of Post Graduate Studies of the university for orgainsing a roundtable discussions bordering on recent coup d’etat in some African countries.
Nwosu said that the topics “The Resurgence of Military Intervention in African Politics: Causes and Challenges for African Development” and “The Dialectics of Democracy Backsliding and the Future of Africa’s Development.” Is apt.
He urged the discussants to critical in its discussions and proffer visible solutions to the identified challenges with simple goal of a better society and a brighter future for younger generations.
Prof. Godwin Onu , convener of the Roundtable and Provost College of Postgraduate Studies of the University, explained that the programme aims to encourage young scholars to address African issues.
Onu said that it is also expected that young scholars should contribute immensely to the strengthening of democracy principles and its sustainable development across the continent.
Onu, disclosed that the University is in collaboration with Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, (NIIA) Lagos, and Adekunle Ajasin University Akingba, Akoko, Ondo State, in the discussion to address pressing issues facing the African continent.
He said that varied panel of experts and scholars from different institutions were gathered to provide a platform for in-depth analysis and meaningful dialogue on the complex issues facing Africa and possibly proffer solutions .
Nwosu, highlighted that Nigerian democracy had a promising start but faced setbacks due to issues with operators who had different mindsets and ideologies.
He said that government of God is theocracy while government of man is democracy of the people for the people and by the people ,which is imperfect while God’s government is divine and perfect.
Nwosu said that if a democratic governance is fully adopted and applied, according to God’s will the governed will rejoice, because the principle of democracy is for the good of mankind when followed on principles.
Prof Charles Obiorah of Department of Political Science, Anambra State University Igbariam, as chairman of the occasion commended the organiser of the round table discussion for a brilliant scholar packaging.
Obiorah advised participants to pay huge attention to the discourse and actively take part in the process as the issues on discourse a veritable tool to advancing the African continent in a progressive stable.
Dr. Kester Onor, a resource person from NIIA, discussed the resurgence of military intervention in African politics, and attributed causes such as political instability, economic crises, and governance issues, as reasons for military invention.
Onor added imperialism, neo-colonialism, sit tight syndrome , power elongation, insecurity, corruption, weak democratic values , high level of resentment ,Islamic insurgency ,neo-liberal democracy and ruling elites inability to provide basic amenities.
He said that possible solution would be rotational form of governance among zones ,respect for democratic principles that suits the continent , the ruling elites ability to accommodate others and need for peaceful and democratic solutions.