By Polycarp Onwubiko
To say that multi ethnic countries take it as a categorical imperative to practice the inexorable principles of federal system of government, is merely stating the obvious.
If president Tinubu is serious about governance (realisticaly he is only interested to be referred to as one of the Nigerian president after his sojourn on this terrestrial planet), the first thing he should do is to set measures in motion for the Restructuring of the structural deformities left by the military jackboots backed up with a contraption called 1999 Constitution.
Justice, equity fairness are fundamentals and values of peaceful society as seen in the developed countries of the world. The generational curses following African countries is lack of these governance fundamentals and trajectories.
It is a virtual impossibility to correct a regressive and completely comatose economy without frontally addressing the fundamentals and pillars of the economy and political structures. NIgeria’s economy would remain on auto pilot unless the political structure is restored to what it was in the First Republic which had the realistic principles of federal system of government.
Under the conscienceless Buhari administration, investments, local and foreign have atrophied and industries relocated to the neighbouring countries because of energy quagmire. Sufficient energy infrastructure is a principal determinant of sustainable socioeconomic growth and development.
Directing the socalled “savings” from the removal of petrol subsidy to the health and education sectors without Restructuring the Federation which will enable the state governments run these sectors among others like agriculture etc , is a grope in the dark, a repeat of the tragic flaws in the best forgotten eight years of Buhari administration tragedy.
Decentralized security architecture a categorical imperative for any meaningful governance because the centralized security architecture under Buhari administration led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people and refugee resettlements when the country is not in a shooting war.
Decentralized security architecture is a must irrespective of the strident kicks by the northern Moslems who are blindly pursuing Islamisation agenda and ethnic cleansing to settle the vagrant Fulani ethnic group in the West Africa.
Polycarp Onwubiko, public policy analyst.