Tansian University students protests poor condition on campus [VIDEOS]

Some students of Tansian University, Umunya have protested the poor condition of their hostels and other infrastructures within the institution.
The students who spoke to THE RAZOR in separate interviews said the condition of infrastructures in the institution have become so dilapidated that their living conditions are no longer human.
Some of the students who also sent in video evidence of the state of infrastructure in the university, but begged for anonymity called on the management to help them upgrade infrastructure within the university.
“Both in Umunya and Oba campuses, if you see where students live in the name of hostels, you will not want anyone related to you to ever go there.
“The toilets are so dirty, the bathrooms too are such that if your soap falls down there, you may not wish to pick it up. It is so inhuman. Even in Umunya that is the main campus, there are some lecture halls that you will hardly see any chairs.
“This is more prevalent in the nursing and microbiology lecture halls. We are appealing to you to call the attention of the management of the institution, so that some of these things can be fixed.”
When THE RAZOR reached out to a top official of the University, Reverend Innocent Uke for reaction, he declined comment.
WhatsApp message sent to Uke on Sunday, four days ago, was ignored. The mesaage read: “Good evening Sir. I’m a journalist with therazornews.com. Some students of Tansian University have protested what they call deplorable state of infrastructure in the university, both in their hostels and lecture rooms. I’m seeking the reaction of the school management to this. Thanks.”
When THE RAZOR called him on Wednesday, he simply said: “I don’t have any business with you,” before putting off the call.