Campus Buzz

Unizik: Crisis looms over Pro-Chancellor’s plot to impose predetermined VC – ASUU warns


Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State has raised the alarm over looming crisis following alleged plans by Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council, Amb. Greg Mbadiwe to foist already predetermined candidate as the Vice Chancellor of the institution

The union warned that the Pro-Chancellor’s alarming dictatorial tendencies, if unchecked might breach industrial peace in the University.

Chairperson, ASUU NAU, Comrade Kingsley Ubaoji who stated these on Tuesday called on Chief of Staff to the President and Minister of Education to rein in the Pro Chancellor to avert chaos on the institution.

He also expressed concerns over unconfirmed reports of a meeting of the institution’s Governing Council at the instance of the Minister for State for Education without internal component of the University, describing the meeting as exercise in futility.

“We learnt from unconfirmed information that the Minister for State, following our letters, is inviting the Governing Council of our university to Abuja for a meeting this Friday.

“Unfortunately, we found out that it’s only the external members and the acting VC were invited to the meeting without the internal component of the University.

“We feel it’s very wrong because without the internal component of the Council and ASUU members being part of that meeting, then the meeting is incomplete and will be unfruithful.

“It’s also important to note that the Acting VC is under the directive of the Pro-Chancellor and may not speak up on welfare of our members. That’s why ASUU members who have always stood for their members welfare should be involved in such meetings,” he said.

Addressing newsmen at the ASUU secretariat, Ubaoji continued, “We bring to your attention, very worrying developments threatening to engulf our University. From all indications, certain external political forces are determined to subvert due process in the appointment of principal officers in our beloved Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

“ASUU as the major stakeholder in the university system cannot stand aloof as a hallowed institution like the Senate is rubbished on the alter of some individuals’ overvolting ambitions.

“But let us start from the beginning to tell you how we got here and our stand as both ASUU and Senate.

“It is no longer news that the Pro Chancellor is displaying alarming dictatorial tendencies which if unchecked may breach industrial peace in the University. Recall, gentlemen of the Press, that the Councils of Federal Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education were inaugurated on 4th July 2024.

“Since inauguration, the Chairman has consistently disregarded the authority of Council, acting unilaterally and making decisions without proper consultation and approval. This behaviour is not only unacceptable but also undermines the principles of democratic governance and accountability.

“Specifically, the Chairman has:

1. Made unilateral decisions without full composition of Council and even thereafter.
Section 2(1) of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2023, on “Composition of Council”; provide as follows:

“There shall be a council for each of the Universities consisting of­
(a) The Pro-Chancellor;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor;
(c) the Deputy Vice-Chancellors;
(d) one person from the Federal Ministry responsible for Education;
(e) four persons representing a variety of interest and broadly representative of the whole Federation to be appointed by the National Council of Ministers;
(f) four persons appointed by the Senate from among its members;
(g) two persons appointed by the Congregation from among its members; and
(h) one person appointed by Convocation from among its members.

“At the time of inauguration of Council, only appointments in respect of 2(1)(a) and 2(1)(e) had been made. Yet without caring to properly compose Council, the Pro-chancellor with the 4 persons appointed as in 2(1)(e) proceeded to appoint an Acting Vice Chancellor and advertised for vacancy position of the Registrar, neglecting to include members representing university internal constituencies of Senate (4), Congregation (2) and Convocation (1).

“Worried by the fact that the Pro-chancellor has continued to act unilaterally without full composition of Council two months into their tenure, ASUU NAU on 10th September 2024 wrote a letter to the Pro-Chancellor requesting for the proper composition of Council before proceeding further with any business of Council, called his attention to the provisions of the law and reminded him that any action that is not incongruous with the law is null and void and will be resisted. A courtesy copy of the letter which is titled “Improper Composition of the University Governing Council of Nnamdi Azikiwe University and Attendant Consequences For Urgent Action” was served and receipt duly acknowledged. The letter is hereby attached.

“Though ASUU did not receive any official reply to the letter, the Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof Carol Arinze-Umobi on 11th September 2024, being the next day, released a timetable for the election to fill the vacant positions of representatives of Senate, Congregation and Convocation as provided for in Section 2(1)(f), 2(1)(g), and 2(1)(h) respectively of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Amendment) Act.

“Notwithstanding our letter of protest, the Pro-Chancellor continued to act unilaterally by directing the publication of the vacancy for the position of Vice Chancellor in the Vanguard newspaper of 12 September, 2024 at page 33 even before the election of members of the internal constituencies. ASUU objected to this unilateral action through a letter of 14th September, 2024 and entitled “Request for the Withdrawal of Vacancy Advertisements and Suspension of Actions Until Proper Constitution of Council”. Again an acknowledgement copy of this letter is hereby attached.

“It is also regretful that the Chairman defied all attempts by the Internal members of Council during the inaugural meeting of Council to get him withdraw the vacancy publication or to put up a corrigendum to remove some ominous criteria listed for eligibility for the position of Vice Chancellor.

“As part of due process as prescribed by the enabling laws, the University Senate is expected to nominate two representatives on the selection Committee for Vice Chancellor and Registrar, respectively. When the Senate was convened for this purpose on Wednesday 16th October, members expressed great reservations over the dictatorial disposition of the Chairman of Council, and the failure to redress the ominous eligibility criteria published for the selection of a new Vice Chancellor which suggests that the advert must have been drawn from the CV of an “anointed candidate”.

“In protest, Senate deferred the nominations and called for a review of such ominous criteria in consonance with the known and widely accepted criteria as is published by many other universities and NAU previously. Senate also requested for a joint meeting with the Council to smoothen the rough edges. It should be noted that Council and Senate are the two bodies entrusted with the running of the University with defined functions and mutual respect for each other. It was therefore with greatest shock that we learnt that the Chairman has on his own selected or directed the selection of two Professors to serve on the interview panel for Registrar calling the bluff of Senate. We were further shocked to learn that without consultations with other members of Council, the Chairman has fixed Wednesday 23 September, 2024 for the selection interview for a Registrar of the University also to favour “anointed candidate”.

“We were informed by our representatives in Council and we believe them that the Council meeting was adjourned to a future date (yet to be announced) in November 2024. At the time of this Press Conference, they are yet to be informed of any such Council meeting or selection activity. Usually, Council meetings are scheduled months ahead or in cases of emergency at least 7 days notice to enable members adjust their schedule to accommodate the meeting. In this particular case, the Chairman has decided to act unilaterally again disregarding the right of other internal Council members. Such unilateral actions that breach the University law on appointment of Principal Officers is not tolerable and will not be condoned.

“Disregarding the concern of Council members.
By continuing to take unilateral actions, ignoring the contributions of others, particularly representatives of the internal constituencies of Senate, Congregation and Convocation or disregarding their views and contributions, the Chairman is undermining the collective decision-making process and disregarding the concern of these Council members and by extension the people they represent. Already, the Chairman has demonstrated over and over again such disregard and appears bent to continue with these unauthorised actions ignoring the concerns of ASUU. This has ominous implications for industrial peace on campus. And this is the purpose of this Press Conference to AVERT CRISIS.

“Undermining institutional Processes.
There is a deliberate attempt to undermine institutional processes as so far demonstrated by the actions of the Pro Chancellor. There is a great rumour that the Chairman is bent on foisting an already predetermined candidate as the Vice Chancellor of the University. Indeed, a careful examination of the eligibility criteria listed in the advertisement for Vice Chancellor show that it is narrowly tailored to match the profile of a specific individual, rather than being broadly based to attract a diverse range of qualified candidates.

“This is evidenced by the following observations:
• The emphasis on research grant, and requirement of proven record of having attracted not less than N400 million is restrictive and will disqualify numerous suitable candidates. What is the basis for selecting N400 million as a benchmark. Such specific conditions are usually not tenable. What is often emphasised is the ability of the candidate to attract development to the University. This can come in form of grants, endowment, donations, etc.

“The listed eligibility criteria left out very critical issues like evidence of university administrative experience, global reputation and visibility, apparently because the anointed candidate lacks such critically genuine experience.

“These unilateral actions and authoritative tendencies of the Pro-Chancellor/Chairman of Council if left unchecked will have severe consequences including:
• Erosion of trust: Loss of confidence in the Council and its leadership.
• Institutional instability: Creation of an environment conducive to conflict and chaos.
• Damage to reputation: Negative impact on the institution’s reputation and credibility.

“We therefore urge you, gentlemen of the Press, to join us in bringing these unlawful and ill advised actions of the Pro Chancellor to the attention of the general public in order to stop him from further desecration of this Ivory Tower. It is essential to ensure that the Pro-Chancellor/Chairman of Council operates with the bounds of his authority and respects the principle of collective governance and due process.”

By Ifeizu Joe

Ifeizu is a seasoned journalist and Managing Editor of TheRazor. He has wide knowledge of Anambra State and has reported the state objectively for over a decade.

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