
You don’t deserve better wage, robots better than you, Anambra lawmaker tackles protesting workers


By Our correspondent

“A heated exchange occurred at the Assembly Complex on Monday involving Hon. Tony Muobike, the representative for Aguata Two Constituency, and labour union leaders.

The altercation began when Muobike’s comments criticizing workers and suggesting they did not deserve minimum wage.

He went further to suggest they could be replaced by robots.

His remarks sparked outrage among the labour leaders, who were at the complex to enforce the nation-wide strike action embarked by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC).

The situation escalated to the point where Hon. Muobike threatened physical violence against the union leaders, but fortunately, other members and security personnel intervened to prevent any harm.

Muobike said,” If you talk again I just give devastated slap. Stop talking.

A video that had gone viral showed where the protesting workers were calling the lawmaker unprintable names.

By Ifeizu Joe

Ifeizu is a seasoned journalist and Managing Editor of TheRazor. He has wide knowledge of Anambra State and has reported the state objectively for over a decade.

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