HE SAYS : Today is another beautiful day and an ultra special one for me. Today is a great reminder of how thankful I should be for all the blessings God has brought my way.
This occasion certainly deserves a moment of sobriety and reflection as I have always envisaged birthdays as a day to reflect on one’s ultimate purpose of existence on earth which should be to better lives and serve humanity.
Birthdays mean different things to different people; to some, it is a time for celebration and merrymaking while to others it is a time for sober reflection or taking stock of one’s life. Whichever angle it is viewed from or celebrated, the major factor is that birthdays allow us to examine our lives circumspectly and make amendments where necessary to consolidate in the course of accomplishing our mission on earth.
As stated earlier, I have decided to commemorate my 51st birthday by putting Anambra South Senatorial District and Anambra State in prayers due to the security crisis ravaging our state.
In recent times, Anambra State has lost a lot of lives and witnessed an out-flux of investors and diaspora stakeholders who are eager to contribute meaningfully to the growth of our local economy. This further necessitates the urgent need to commit our dear State into the hands of God.
Today, I commit the entire leadership and citizenry of Anambra State into the safe hands of the Almighty God on whose shoulder, the governance of our dear State has rested from its inception, it is my earnest prayer that God will heal, restore and prosper our land.
While I appreciate the goodwill messages and kind wishes from family, friends and well-wishers each year that God in his infinite mercy adds to my life. I urge everyone to pray for me and our dear State Anambra.
Conclusively, the Almighty God has been compassionate and merciful to me. He has been faithful and the best words I have to express His greatness are understatements, I am lost for words as I reflect on His immense blessings and wonderful deeds which are marvellous in my sight.
I am eternally grateful to God for my beloved wife and wonderful children. Family, friends and nature are the greatest gifts one could ever have. I couldn’t be more grateful to walk the journey of life with you all as my pillars of support.
Once again, I wish to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I feel highly blessed and honoured. May God protect, bless and continually prosper us!
Senator Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah
Anambra South Senatorial District.